last off the line

I sent my assembled shafts. I had my circlip grooves re-cut wider and deeper and heavy duty circlips installed. I had the billet 4th gear installed, and the gears back-cut. My total was $594.00 and that included the shipping back to me. Turn around was about 6 weeks as I recall. If I had one apart, I wouldn't put it together without sending it there first.
i thought 4th is straight through the box and runs at crank speed that's why when they dyno a bike or car for that matter they use 4th gear
so if its straight through how is there a actual 4th gear ?
Fourth gear is driven by the third / fourth cluster gear on the input shaft Might sound confusing as that particular gear has the dogs that mesh with fifth gear on the input shaft. anyway the fourth gear on the output shaft is driven by the input and motion to the actual output shaft is made by the aft dogs on the fifth gear out put shaft. The forward dogs on the fifth gear output shaft allows drive to the shaft when they are mated in the first gear output shaft thus creating first gear motion to the shaft. which is driven by the permanent gear on the input shaft. Second gear input shaft is splined to the shaft and held in place by a snap ring or as the Brits call it a cir-clip.
not sure who told gave you the information but either he does not understand, looked at it wrong, was told wrong by someone else, or is smokin some good sheet :)

My bet is he did not purposely supply you with the wrong information whether his smoke was good or not :)

hope this is not confusing

and pardon my attempt at humor about the guy that supplied you the information perhaps he is talking about a different brand of motorcycle transmissions where the one he is talking about is that way. I suspect there is a difference between Triumph 6 speed and their 5 speed :)
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Fourth gear is driven by the third / fourth cluster gear on the input shaft Might sound confusing as that particular gear has the dogs that mesh with fifth gear on the input shaft. anyway the fourth gear on the output shaft is driven by the input and motion to the actual output shaft is made by the aft dogs on the fifth gear out put shaft. The forward dogs on the fifth gear output shaft allows drive to the shaft when they are mated in the first gear output shaft thus creating first gear motion to the shaft. which is driven by the permanent gear on the input shaft. Second gear input shaft is splined to the shaft and held in place by a snap ring or as the Brits call it a cir-clip.
not sure who told gave you the information but either he does not understand, looked at it wrong, was told wrong by someone else, or is smokin some good sheet :)

My bet is he did not purposely supply you with the wrong information whether his smoke was good or not :)

hope this is not confusing

and pardon my attempt at humor about the guy that supplied you the information perhaps he is talking about a different brand of motorcycle transmissions where the one he is talking about is that way. I suspect there is a difference between Triumph 6 speed and their 5 speed :)

Bet you can't say that in Chinese.
for you my friend and happy birthday

第四檔由輸入軸上的第三/第四齒輪組驅動。由於該齒輪具有與輸入軸上的第五齒輪嚙合的齒,所以可能聽起來很混亂。無論如何,輸出軸上的第四個齒輪由輸入驅動,並且實際輸出軸的運動由第五個齒輪輸出軸上的後部擋塊構成。第五齒輪輸出軸上的前進擋塊在與第一齒輪輸出軸配合時允許驅動至軸,從而產生第一齒輪運動至軸。由輸入軸上的永磁齒輪驅動。二檔輸入軸通過花鍵連接到軸上,並通過卡環固定,或者英國人稱之為CIR夾。 不知道是誰告訴了你的信息,但是他不明白,看錯了,被別人告知錯了,或者正在冒出一些好的表格:) 我敢打賭,他沒有故意向你提供錯誤的信息,不管他的煙是好還是不好:) 希望這不是混亂 並且饒恕我對那個給你提供信息的傢伙的幽默感,或許他正在談論一個他正在談論的摩托車傳播品牌。我懷疑勝利6速度和他們的5速度之間有區別:)

Looks better in Polish

Czwarty bieg jest napędzany przez trzecie / czwarte koło zębate na wale wejściowym. Może brzmieć mylnie, że dany bieg ma psy, które zazębiają się z piątym biegiem na wale wejściowym. Czwarty bieg na wale wyjściowym jest napędzany przez wejście i ruch do wyjściowego wału wyjściowego. Pasy przednie na wale wyjściowym piątego biegu pozwalają na wjechanie na wał, gdy są one połączone w wał wyjściowy pierwszego koła, tworząc w ten sposób pierwszy ruch koła zębatego do wału. który jest napędzany przez stały mechanizm na wale wejściowym. Wał wejściowy drugiego biegu jest wielowypustowy do wału i przytrzymywany przez pierścień zatrzaskowy lub jak Brytyjczycy nazywają go zaciskiem obwodowym.
nie jestem pewien, kto powiedział ci informacje, ale albo nie rozumie, na niewłaściwym powiedziano coś złego przez kogoś innego, albo czy to jest smokin dobry arkusz :)

Zakładam się, że celowo nie dostarczył ci błędnych informacji, czy jego dym był dobry czy nie :)

mam nadzieję, że to nie jest mylące

i wybacz moją próbę humoru o facecie, który dostarczył ci informację, być może on mówi o innej marce motocyklowych skrzyń biegów, o których mówi się w ten sposób. Podejrzewam, że istnieje różnica między prędkością Triumph 6 i ich 5 prędkościami :)
He said say and this is written ;)
I sent my assembled shafts. I had my circlip grooves re-cut wider and deeper and heavy duty circlips installed. I had the billet 4th gear installed, and the gears back-cut. My total was $594.00 and that included the shipping back to me. Turn around was about 6 weeks as I recall. If I had one apart, I wouldn't put it together without sending it there first.
I was expecting it to cost a lot more than that. No problems yet but :cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious:
i thought 4th is straight through the box and runs at crank speed that's why when they dyno a bike or car for that matter they use 4th gear
so if its straight through how is there a actual 4th gear ?

Something in the back of my brain if fighting to get out regarding this...

I recall at one point, that was widely true for transmissions, and the result was a true 1:1 ratio, which is why 4th was perfect for dynos. It's been a very long time since that was true as a "go to rule" though. Even in cars, a 4th gear typically is nowhere near 1:1 anymore with gear counts escalating into the 8+ range.

On the rocket 5th is closer to 1:1 (its actually 0.96), where as 4th is 1.16:1. Theoretically we should all be dynoing in 5th not 4th, but people will whine and say "your numbers are high because its a 5th gear run".