Bluetooth Intercom Anyone??

That which you point towards appears at first glance to be a far cry improvement over my experience with a Scala TeamSet. The sweetums and I have full helmet with wind shields and struggle to hear each other. I cant imagine communications with half helmets. Maybe I got a bad battery surely ranks amongst a category consisting of beer cans stetched tightly between RC hairs as an alternate comms systems.
Thanks for the post s.

Who was it! Who proposed that, the only responsibility of a corporation was to make profits for its shareholders? F$%^ everything and everyone else! If you are not into greed you wont survive. Actually I paraphrased Friedmon. TRICKLEDOWN economics was a route to the present. We are facing an imperialism previously unimaginable. The "camp stores" set the agenda.

Sorry to side-line my own original post.
Im a bit depressed at the realization, there is a steering committee heading us towards a place.

Id look at something more advanced than my two year old, technology of a, Scala TeamSet.
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