Power_Tripp De-restricting Tune, TORs & Stock K&N Filter Question


Old man on a bike
Dec 11, 2014
Coldwater, MI
2015 Rocket 3 Touring
I am currently just running the Power-Tripp De-restricting Tuning on my bike. I have a question for anyone who is actually running the Power-Tripp Tuning, a set of Triumph TORs and a K&N filter in the stock air box on their R3T. Does that tuning work just fine (as it is suppose to) and is it rich enough to prevent any issues. I know, I know...you need to remove the air box and put on the Ram Air or the individual K&N filters, but at the present time I don't want to do that. When it comes time for some kind of service that makes it necessary to remove the stock air box plumbing.... then I will consider it.

There have been so many comments about people wanting a different tuning for different things. It seems like anyone I read about who makes changes to the stock air box, there almost always appears to be some sort of issue like decel popping. Everyone is off chasing another tuning to get rid of their decel popping, engine breather problem or air sensor issues. I must say @Rocket Scientist filter configuration seems to make the most sense.

I heard a set of the TORs on another bike and liked the sound deeper sound. Plus, if I can lose a few unnecessary pounds getting rid of the stock exhaust that would be something I would like to do. I have not yet pull the $$ trigger on anything yet, but I would like to know how forum members have found that specific combo to be.
That set up should work well and sound great. When I was going through the upgrades. After CAT delete on a 2007 tri-pipe, TORS and 12 minute tune I could not see how the bike could sound or work better. Since and oil leak required throttle bodies to be removed, went ahead and fit the RamAir. When the bike came back fit a TUNE from Hans. After learning how to adjust the TPS, changing the spark plugs, a few tanks of gas and tire pressure tweaks the bike is starting to talk to me.

Enjoy the fun of tinkering with your Rocket.
I'm running @HansO version of tripps tune with D&D slip ons and under seat K&N filter. I looked at the tors and the D&D are made much better, IMHO. Same tune should work for either. I have no decel popping but I do get one big pop if I take her to redline at full throttle then cut the gas. So I'm thinking she might be a tad rich but no big deal and does not do it if I shift to the next gear.
That is how mine is set up. Power-Tripp tune, tors, under seat k&n. on my 09 r3t. Works great for me. About 36 mpg average and a great power improvement over stock tune.