How to carry wet weather gear on Rocket 3


.020 Over
Nov 24, 2021
I'm the proud new owner of a Rocket 3 GT and while very impressed by the bike itself am underwhelmed by the luggage options. In particular I'm wanting to work out a way to carry wet weather gear with me but am less than impressed with the options I can find. At present I'm thinking of ordering that overpriced (and frankly under-performant) luggage rack for the back and fitting a top box to it but am not particularly inspired by the idea.

What methods would you recommend for carrying wet weather gear?
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I'm the proud new owner of a Rocket 3 GT and while very impressed by the bike itself am a little underwhelmed by the luggage options available. In particular I'm wanting to work out a way to carry wet weather gear with me but am less that impressed with the options I can find. At present I'm thinking of ordering that overpriced (and frankly underpermant) luggage rack for the back and fitting a top box to it but I'm not particularly impressed.

What methods would would you recommend for carrying wet weather gear?
Get a Turtle Back Pack
I am not a new R3 owner, but can see having the back rack with a quickly removable storage bag on the days I think I need it... unless you plan on carrying it all the time then have you considered saddle bags? I have a Viking back pack looking bag that works great on my R3T when I need extra storage or for my MSF Classes (carries all of my classroom/range stuff).
...have you considered saddle bags?
Have I ever. Have spend hours and hours searching, days probably and been to the local bike shops several times.

Unfortunately with the exception of the Corbin saddle bags there is nothing that is much good, and those Corbin's are just too **** pricy!!! There's only one importer here in Australia and even they were too embarrassed to tell me how much they were initially. Turns out they can't get them in for anything less that 6200 AUD: 😱
(and even then I'd have to drive halfway across the country to get pick them up)
Have I ever. Have spend hours and hours searching, days probably and been to the local bike shops several times.

Unfortunately with the exception of the Corbin saddle bags there is nothing that is much good, and those Corbin's are just too **** pricy!!! There's only one importer here in Australia and even they were too embarrassed to tell me how much they were initially. Turns out they can't get them in for anything less that 6200 AUD: 😱
(and even then I'd have to drive halfway across the country to get pick them up)
That SUCKS! Sorry to hear... Admittedly the new R3 weren't really designed with any type of effective storage in mind. They are really a Speed Triple upgrade with the Rocket name. But, there's always a way and I'm sure you'll get there; especially if it's mostly just rain gear. Good Luck!!
Have I ever. Have spend hours and hours searching, days probably and been to the local bike shops several times.

Unfortunately with the exception of the Corbin saddle bags there is nothing that is much good, and those Corbin's are just too **** pricy!!! There's only one importer here in Australia and even they were too embarrassed to tell me how much they were initially. Turns out they can't get them in for anything less that 6200 AUD: 😱
(and even then I'd have to drive halfway across the country to get pick them up)
I have that small rack on the back of my GT backrest. I put my Wet weather gear in a roll back and strap it down on there when on a trip....I carry a 'kreiga' 35L backpack for my clothes and stuff so its easy enough to just leave that roll bag strapped on there.
Hepco and Becker make a range of panniers for the Rocket using their C-Bow system. The largest are the 35 ltr Buffalo bags, they are not fully waterproof (but there is a rain cover that works!) and you have to like the look (which I do!) Many of the other bags they do are waterproof but are smaller. I think they are much better system than the horrible (and expensive) Triumph offering and I have had both.
I'm the proud new owner of a Rocket 3 GT and while very impressed by the bike itself am a little underwhelmed by the luggage options available. In particular I'm wanting to work out a way to carry wet weather gear with me but am less that impressed with the options I can find. At present I'm thinking of ordering that overpriced (and frankly underpermant) luggage rack for the back and fitting a top box to it but I'm not particularly impressed.

What methods would would you recommend for carrying wet weather gear?
I used the 2020 Heritage bags . I used the Hepco & Becker C-Bow Carrier mounts. Just had to drill a couple of holes in the mounts for the bags to fit.
I had these bags on my Harley Heritage and loved them.