Does anyone here use a ride app on their smart phone?

I use Googlemaps with my bluetooth headset. I like the sexy female voice. I call her Agness.

I quite often use Google or a Garmin GPS. Two experiences with Google... Needing gas, I searched for the nearest station, and followed the directions. Once "she" said "You have arrived" I sat looking at a field of grapes. I know, for a fact, there was never a gas station within miles of where I was. Thankfully I wasn't empty but imagine if I were. More recently, entered the address of a party I was to attend. "Turn left" shes says, so I did. House nowhere to be found. Turns out I needed to turn right. Neither of these episodes were terribly serious but people have died as a result of following these things blindly. If I'm venturing far into the unknown, I always look at a real map first, to at least have a rough idea of where I'm going.
Aahh! The eternal Baby Boomer / Gen X / Gen Y generational divide.
Strange how all the post Baby Boomers claim we Baby Boomers have all the capital but not the 'smarts' :D

Dumb money rules :whitstling::whitstling:

I used to plan, operate and manage field staff to cover and enumerate 1,000,000 sq km in light aircraft and 4x4 over 6 months every five years while doing up to 20,000 mile in a 4x4 myself. I used knowledge, field experience, maps and a map wheel to plan itinerarys and work programs for six staff employing hundreds of subordinates to conduct population census in remote and urban areas. All without an app or internet.

And that is why it took you so long:roll: smart phones and the apps are great have to admit at times they are to smart for me.:notworthy:
This pre-assumes that Google-Maps routing is always right. And from experience - no it ruddy well isn't. I just stop and ask the nearest Policeman, Taxi Driver, Lollipop Lady or roaming alcoholic. OK the latter is as reliable as Google - but way more fun.

For the people on this side of the pond------Lollipop Lady=School Crossing Guard