2007 Classic Carpenter Dreaded Click


If it's too fast your too old
Jan 13, 2017
2007 Carpenter
I have read everything I could read about this issue but still can't figure it out. I get 1 click when I push the start button. I seem to be able to start the bike in 2 ways.
1. Wait for the weather to warm up and it seems to start more often, but I still experience the click.
2. Put it in gear roll it around, and it seems to start

Here is what I have done so far to try to fix it.
1. Installed a new high CCA Lithium Battery along with a secondary battery.
2. Pulled of clutch switch and cleaned. Left it out of the bike so it stayed, no help.
3. Replaced Starter relay/along with pulling out all the wires and tightening the connectors
4. Replaced starter with an upgraded 17610 starter
5. I tried to pull and clean the crank sensor, but it seems stuck in there. Any tips on pulling it? Yes I took out the screw LOL
I just found the issue after many days of troubleshooting!!! It's dark here so decided to see what the lights looked like in the dark (been thinking about LEDs). Guess what...the headlights lights went on and off when I wigged the key. I pulled the clutch switch again so I had an extra hand to hold the key and push start. She fires up every time.