Will Dan And Sharon make it Nampa for Sunday night stay over ?

They left here this morn, so I would say a sleep tonight somewhere will get them to Nampa Sunday.
Give Dan a call . . .
We had a great ride today over the Blue Mesa Dam into Crawford, CO, the home & grave of Joe Cocker.
They left here this morn, so I would say a sleep tonight somewhere will get them to Nampa Sunday.
Give Dan a call . . .
We had a great ride today over the Blue Mesa Dam into Crawford, CO, the home & grave of Joe Cocker.
got to get a new weather man rained/sleeted/hailed most today at work telluride to pagosa expecting snow southwest colo. under freeze warning hope you guys got a heater and warm clothes may need it tonight and tomorrow
got to get a new weather man rained/sleeted/hailed most today at work telluride to pagosa expecting snow southwest colo. under freeze warning hope you guys got a heater and warm clothes may need it tonight and tomorrow

Weather even better tomorrow for another great day of riding!
Change in plans. Leaving Montrose Monday & heading your way to park the rig. When are you arriving home?
Weather even better tomorrow for another great day of riding!
Change in plans. Leaving Montrose Monday & heading your way to park the rig. When are you arriving home?
up @ 2am gone to work @ 3am home about 7:30pm should be setting a bridge plug/tripping in and milling a window today will try to call noonish?but will give karen youre number she can call for an update
up @ 2am gone to work @ 3am home about 7:30pm should be setting a bridge plug/tripping in and milling a window today will try to call noonish?but will give karen youre number she can call for an update

Will load up in morning and head south from Montrose.
What's Karen's phone? Boo xxv n loop 8
got home from work last night bull was all ready here had some dinner talked for a bit and went to bed 2 A.M. comes early .feel bad he"s got to entertain himself for today but i got to work one more day,tonight will decide where our trips going to take us should we go this way or that way?
Talk about great hospitality!
Free hot & flops get no better than Dave & Karen!
I only hope they give me the opportunity to reciprocate someday(s) soon.