What is this plug?

I know, I know, I know!!!! It's a plug for Flips Roomba!:p


Wait a minute. It's not MY ****ed Roomba, it's Amy's. I'm not the domestic type. Just look under my computer desk at the popcorn and bits of Triscut crackers I've dribbled there. Actually, they don't lie there very long. My Rat Terrier is as good as the Roomba when it comes to crumbs and you don't have to charge her up like the Roomba.:D
The plug didn't have a strong enough 12v to heat the, BackOFF, running light modification. Not enough amp flow; but that could have been the $10 tester or perhaps it was operator error:(
When I removed the Califorinia garbage off my Classic it had plug connector on it. That was all under the left side cover. I would guess it was some sort of a sensor on the charcoal canistor. Check the manual under the Califorina Emmisions. ;)
Your supposed to cut all them extra wires off if they don't go any where..They just add weight..Scot your sicker than me.AHA Jack Flip, hows that dam Rumba working?
What type of com system is it? I have a Autocom and just used the tail light for power by splicing in like they recommended on their website for my Rocket. I dont know if this will help or not but thought I would try. Good luck