WARNING !! Watch out for this potential disaster when filling fuel tank.


.020 Over
Jun 29, 2017
Sutton in Ashfield (5 minutes from J28 M1
2004 Rocket supercharged,Hayabusa, GL1800
Just got back from shortened touring trip to France . . on the train. I wont waste your time with my moans, but just tell you the facts.
After topping up the Roadster tank on a rainy morning, we rode steadily out of Blaine. At the 2nd mini roundabout, I had to brake a little for a lorry to pass. a few metres further on, level with the mini roundabout, doing maybe 5mph, the slightest left lean, and the back wheel span around and I had the minciest high side ever seen. HOWEVER . . . the crashbar took the weight well, but bent slightly and touched the 'cam chain tensioner' housing. The housing cracked and allowed my engine oil an escape route. This is a trip ender.
On inspection at the time and again when the bike was recovered by AA Europe, the tank breather pipe is wet with fuel dripping . . . right in front of the left side of the rear wheel. I am going to re-route my breathers, so that the fuel spewing forth, evaporates before coating the road. Be safe - all you rocketeers.
PS. . . in case you think you may be fast enough to stop the high side, this bike is my slow rocket, my daily ride is a supercharged classic. Watch those breather pipes.
PPS. AA europe had my bike delivered to my house in the midlands, this morning at 0800; only 14 hours after I had arrived home !! 68 hours after the spill !
Glad you're ok, shame about the off. I nearly duplicated it on my H2 due to coolant on the roadway recently.

For those who have CARB compliant bikes, your evap system should preclude this, but the rest of the bikes all share this pitfall as delivered.

It's not always the cause, but don't overfill your tank as a precaution.