New to me 2010 R3 Touring

Fuel up at 125. Seat is perfect. Trust your fuel gauge. Mine said it was empty, I didn't believe it when it said 0 miles left. After it was correct twice in a row (yes I ran out of gas, one after the other), I became a believer
Started to run mine on 91 and more and mechanic told me I was wasting my money. Ok so I started running it on 89 just step up from 87 and it runs really well. I've readjusted the map with ecutune, run TORS and a K&N oval air filter under the seat and yes there is a really more than noticeable difference. I'm getting 300+ Km per tank of gas. & touring seat is absolutely perfect for really long hauls. I have the wife's stamp of approval on this last point and this is the most important approval stamp you can get. OOPs forgot! Welcome to the grreatess group of riders there is.
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Welcome Marine from Iowa.
Great bike, read the threads here and learn and enjoy. You are not the first to ever ask a question, the answer will be provided.