Mass shooting in Christchurch.

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If it would have happen it would have sent a message to the cowards.

I think a televised slow painful death for these arseholes might send the right message to the rest of their punk arsed kind. Hard to be a martyr when your crying like a little girl a crapping your pants. Very sad time we live in.
It is horrific but what what makes is so much that way is that it happened in a very peaceful western democracy. Univ of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database, which the US Government supports and uses, lists over 167,000 terror related deaths between 2001 and 2015, with an additional thousands to date. 98% were in Muslim countries, killing other Muslims although Christian and other minorities are certainly among those.

So many Muslims who have emigrated fled their countries to get away from the mayhem and carnage (not all), such as probably NZs small Muslim population, and now it followed them. One of the saddest reports is the last words of one victim who said "Welcome brother" to the shooter just before he was murdered.

While I would not describe myself as a religious person, I would like to believe that those who died while at prayer, are now with God.
My son and his girlfriend was 10 km away from this. They are ok. My thoughts are for you guys down there...
Be rest assured they would have been out of harms way it turns out. Traffic was very heavy on the main nose to tail...when i was trying to negotiate thru it on the rocket...we have bus lanes in green down the side of the driving lanes beside the footpath and i was using them...being fully aware someone may get the same idea as me any time and turn in front of me. Police cars, SWAT 4wd vehicles coming and going and choppers above made me feel like i was in a movie scene....As soon as i was clear i was like a bald fanny...outa hair!!
One think that comforts me when rubbish happens is the way people here deal with it.

The cops aren't regularly dealing with this stuff. The hospital staff don't deal with gunshot wounds very often but you can bet the people are in good hands and the service will have stepped up. Big respect.

There was a live interview on radio with some tradies that saw a family get gunned down on the road, blocked the road with their vans then went back and tried to save them with their van first aid kit.

One thing over here (not sure if its the same overseas?) is that virtually nothing is "locked up" you can walk on the Parliament Grounds and go into the Government Buildings, even into the main chambers (with a guide) if the politicians are not sitting, its very accessible. Same with churches and mosques, they are open door so you can just wander in and chat with people, they welcome you in. You can find yourself sitting next to a politician and can seem them walking down the street. One politician was at the Hamner Rally we attended on his Rocket 3 (but he did steal a mates bed in the cabin they were in).

I still know a lot of people (although mainly in South Island) that don't even lock their doors in small towns.

I am hoping one idiot doesn't change this.
I am hoping one idiot doesn't change this.

It’s so sad to hear about this terrible tragedy.

I sometimes ride past the site which prompted (along with a horrible school shooting by a troubled youth) our Governor to hastily pass the SAFE act which doesn’t make anyone any safer and hinders ordinary citizens or even criminalizes them.

One example: you can own a clip that holds 10 bullets but legally you can only put 7 rounds in it. What BS.

This whacko lit his family home on fire and shot at and killed the firemen as they arrived on the scene.

At least he had the courtesy to kill himself too and not be a further burden on society.

He was already a convicted felon who couldn’t possess or buy weapons. He just talked a young girl into buying them for him.

The SAFE act does nothing to prevent a similar incident.

Evil people don’t care about laws and will find a way to hurt others if that’s their intent.

Very few public places here are wide open - especially state and government agencies. Many churches lock up after hours as well.
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