12OClock Labs speedo correction

1olbull, are do y mean the speedo is nuts withe max fitted and does in affect the odo ?

The 240/55R16 Excedra Max is a skosh larger in circumference and diameter than the 240/50R16 and carries a slightly higher load rating. Running it puts my speedometer nuts on with my GPS.
Old Old Thread. Can someone tell me what the TuneECU setting should be to keep the odometer true? I think, zero. just making sure.
Already posted the question in another thread, too.
Just to be clear
If an offset is applied to the ECU, it will affect BOTH speed AND Odometer
So while attempting to get the Speed Indication to be accurate you will in the process make the odometer inaccurate by whatever your correction factor is.
This is because, while the speed indication is generally quite optimistic, the odometer is itself accurate
i have heard speedo off from 1% to 10% mine being closer to 10%
changed to the excedra max and now is 5% low on speed and 5% high on odo.
Must have those wrong way round I think?
At 10% high on indicated speed originally, if it was now 5% low, that is a 15% change and odo would be 15% low
However if speedo now 5% high that is 5% change and and odo would be 5% low - yes?? 🤔