Triumph Riders ride 18 August 2019


Living Legend
Apr 29, 2017
2006 classic
Today's ride with this group is going to be a cool one Max temp of 7c or 45f.

Doing about 330 km up towards the mountains and loop back around inland roads before heading back to town.

Should be fun. Might even be some rain shower to wash the bike too.

Can't find the map to show you the route.

Will post pics later in the day.
@Tal with two beast's.
and me waiting for the rest of the riders to arrive. The only other person at the meeting point was the president of the the club.
Picked up two more riders on the way north.
Lunch time at Waiau Taven building to the right was badly damaged in an earthquake in 2016. They are having a fund raising rally in October but same weekend as the clubs overnight poker run.

Once the clouds lifted of the hills in the background the tops where covered in snow.

Trip home was an eye opener with grit on the road at nearly every bend in the road.

Came into one corner and it looked like rocks all over the road so just straighten up the Bikeand ran wide into the the other lane as was sure that if I tried to get around on the lean I was on I would have washed out.

Also had another moment when I was readjusting the over mitts on the handle bars and ran off the road at about 65mph.

Looked up said oh s#it on hand on the throttle the other waving around like a mad man just managed to correct it and ease it back on to the road before hitting the road marker. All in all a great time bloody cold but with all the layers on my toes are thing that got a bit cold.

Forgot to say that we had no rain to wash the Rocket.

And after reading Pauls post have to say that we broke that rocket riders speed limit.;);)
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The Waikato Chapter of the Triumph Riders Club had a run out today as well.
This written by George Anderson.

Well after many weeks of postphoned rides in the last few weeks we finally picked a great day to ride.

Started off with being collected from the Triumph Riders President in Te Awamutu just after 10.00am. We then proceeded to meet up with the other Chapter members in Pirongia for coffee & catch up with some boys from the Auckland & Waikato Chapters

Heading south down SH3 towards Otorohanga turning left on to Te Kawa Rd, from there into Kihikihi up Golf Rd on to Cambridge through to the Oasis Hideaway.


After lunch we headed out to the Okoroire Hot Springs Bike Shed for a refresher & more talk. Around 3.30 we headed back towards Tirau for gas on our way to Cambridge a few of us went SH1 the rest of us jumped the river & went up towards Karaprio.

Roads were good no rain & didn't notice the wind much, but a couple other felt the wind. All in all a good ride moderate speeds the Pres said keep it under 80kms & the other comment came back from one of the Rocket Riders was under 180kms. See how well we communicate. Good communication with skills at intersections leaving no one behind. A few of us took turns at being tail end gas consumption was good.

Great Ride guys & good to catch up again & thanks to Clarkey for organising another good day out. 17 Bikes in total except a couple Aucklander's had to leave early as their lovely partners missed them too much

If you have a chance check out the Oasis Hideaway in the back of Cambridge its worth visiting & they make great pizza & burgers.



For full photos of the run see Paul Bryant
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Great pics and ride report. That's a pretty cool looking bar with all the wood but I'd be leery of standing under those 400 pound drop down doors for too long.