What's going on down under?

What's Twitter?

I jest of course. But it's true, we have a sick sick (left wing) Government at the moment that is so on the nose the only way it can see to stop criticism is to try to ban it. Roll on the next election and all will be fixed.
We said all would be fixed the next electiin last time too. But it turns out the number 16.5 trillion+ and the 'Affordable" Healthcare Act dont seem to bother most folks.

Pretty sure the Aussie electorate is not going to make that same mistake. But you never know I guess.
Yea well if it's like over here, everybody makes a bunch of noise and then fails to get out and vote! And when we do, the proposition gets challenged in court and the looser wins anyway!

I'm at the "why vote" point after the proposition 8 gay marriage bull****! We vote prop 8 in and some gay judge in San Francisco over rules it! Why vote.
Compulsory voting here. Well, compulsory to turn out in any case. Arguably more democratic.
" Candidates not acceptable " .. they can make you turn up but can't look over your shoulder and see what you are doing ... well not yet anyway
You can vote for Mickey Mouse if you like, I might vote for Shreck next....Nah , I will make my vote count. This current bul****s gotta end.