An inch is as good as a mile...

Eight ball corner pocket.
Lucky guy,he must of had one of those little protection bells...:eek:;)

WOW! Few lessons to learned.

Never hang behind a vehicle where you can't see what's coming.
Don't hang in the right side of the lane where some @@s jowl can try to pass you.
Not on my Rocket. It not going to happen.

If you don't pray to your guardian angel before every ride, start doing so.

Ahhh, one more thing, I would have stopped to see if I could save someone's life. The crash left behind was brutal.

Any others? I'm sure experience will chant here.
That is a classic. I see a lot of people riding next to the shoulder of the road. Why I have no idea. Not only is it dangerous because of passing traffic but vehicles entering the highway are not looking on the shoulder of the road for traffic. These are the folks that say "He just pulled right out in front of me" Any motorcycle safety course will teach you proper lane position. One lucky guy. Yes I would have stopped and assisted.