Sent out a number of inquiries to see if we can find a quality set without involving any mystery garbage out of China.
Will follow up with answers, hopefully we can find a one stop shop for good quality full front and rear set.

Terrific, Rob!
I shall look forward to your results.
Man @1olbull I'm wondering why or how your wearing out so many bearings so fast?

Bearing bores in the wheel out of spec and small causing thermo expansion and premature wear. Final drive out of alignment causing interference between the rollers and race. I've seen fatter men then you on a R3 infact I've seen a few that make you look scrawny like me. It just seems weird that your bike is eating the bearing so much.
I bought the bike brand new with 0 miles. My original bearings went out at about 20,000 miles. The OEM replacement bearings went out and about 40,000 miles.
I went to the largest bearing store in the city and asked for the best bearings they had.
I know the folks there and they gave me the Axis bearings that have been in the bike now for 14,000 miles. the bearings that I removed looked good, felt good, and rolled smoothly. A light clunking from the rear wheel was noticed each time. Once underway the clunking noise would go away. the last time I happened to be at Nels Dino for a tune. We accelerated the dino and learn that the clunking didn't stop it just went beyond what we could hear. We scrapped the dino, not wishing to risk high RPM.
There was no play in the rear wheel, the tires wore perfectly and the wheels were in alignment.
Each time I replaced bearings the noise went away.
Perhaps this last set will hang in there. If not I want to be prepared with a fresh set of American made bearings.
Simple way of saying Thank You, I was starting to look at front and rear wheel bearings for when I powder coat my wheels so a big ta from me also.

I learned about "ta" from watching Brit crime series like George Gently and Midsommer Murders