Torn Up but Not for Long

Is that the same stuff that grows on trees???????? :D
No sir it still comes by the same hard work the "other" money comes from. Free money is money that you have after all the bills are paid and you stick back where the wife does not know about it. My buddy calls it "she money". Money she don't know about. Some call is savings but I don'e call it that. It is spending money dedicated to use on the nicer things in life. I just ordered an RGM watch for myself and that hurt the she money.;)
Sorry Dave she does know bout the “stash” . She may no know about the amount and neither do you.:roll:
All of my money goes into a bank account that i have no access to. Being a drunk and with a gambling problem it keeps me honest. Figured a long time ago there is no cure for the above but there are ways to control both. Wife and i get along pretty good and if i desire something i usually get it. Her tolerance for motorcycle expenses is amazing. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: