Rocket 03 turning over but not starting

I call @Nat67 for you - He's not that far from you (Okehampton).

Get some ACF-50 for the 'lectrics. The low tension side of the coils can be trialsome.
Sounds to me as if you got air/water or muck into the fuel circuit.

I run through Plymouth a couple of times a year on my way to see my mum in Dorset.
There has to be a faster way the locals know to get from the docks to the motorway!.

Sounds like either you have some condensation in the fuel or the fuel is turns shyty when its been sitting for a long time dosnt it...flush her out...give it fresh fuel..charge the battery again and give her another shot..if it still runs and then stops, ide say the filter needs replacing too...that's a bit more difficult but not impossible...just a pain in the butt.

That seems to me to be the most likely. I will do that. Noticed the drain in the fuel filler was blocled and water sitting in there. I better get the service manual out.
I call @Nat67 for you - He's not that far from you (Okehampton).

Get some ACF-50 for the 'lectrics. The low tension side of the coils can be trialsome.
Sounds to me as if you got air/water or muck into the fuel circuit.

I run through Plymouth a couple of times a year on my way to see my mum in Dorset.
There has to be a faster way the locals know to get from the docks to the motorway!.


Thank you. Gonna drain the tank and replace the filter. Will give the electrics a blast with acf-50