Rivco Risers on sale 49.95

Sounds to me like they're selling final inventory, and then like other Rocket items these will be NLA. Fortunately, I have mine, and no I don't remember for them what I paid.
I installed mine a few weeks ago and just noticed the rises allow the bar to move forward and backwards a bit at the point it touches the triple clamp? Anyone else notice this? I tried tightening, but it very snug. Am I missing a washer or something?
That's normal, they are rubber mounted which combined with the increased leverage from the higher bars allows the movement of the bars to seem exaggerated over the stock mounting. I never noticed movement with the stock but I bet there is some. I no longer notice it with the risers mounted.

Sounds to me like they're selling final inventory, and then like other Rocket items these will be NLA. Fortunately, I have mine, and no I don't remember for them what I paid.

Paul, did you have to reroute your cables? I've made a post at one time saying the previous owner had installed them but that was incorrect and realized it after I went to the link and saw them. I had them on my 07 Classic and had to reroute everything.

Edit: Whether one must do it or not, I just ordered a set. My son rode my Touring for about 100 miles and said it made his back and shoulders sore. Hopefully it will help.
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Is it better to be lucky than good ? If you were on Normandy Beach, 6 June 1944, it sure was.

I read the instructions, and they talked about disconnecting the clutch cable and pulling it out of the cable retainer on the forks.

I read posts on here where it was said a 1½" longer cable would take care of that, so I proactively ordered that from Barnett.

And I hoped for the best with the rest.

In my case, I have a number of items I've added, such as the Koso tachometer, and the GI Pro gear indicator, and powered mount for my navigator, and control for my heated grips, and the powered Rivco mirrors, and HEL brake lines.

In general, when I install things, particularly around the handlebars, I leave extra wire.

So in short, after adding the longer clutch cable, nothing had to be rerouted.