What was his business?

Deflating sports bike rider's egos? :D:D

In 1988 I met a bloke in Burnie, a Tasmanian timber town near many famed and very 'hairy' wet narrow mountain roads full of timber jinkers who rode an old 1st series 1000cc Goldwing like that wearing a full length Dri-Z-Bone caped waxed cloth overcoat looking like a lone Rider of the Apocalypse
Somewhat long in the tooth - but well worth watching if you have not seen it.
Both of these guys are on motobago Goldwings!
Wish I was near this good . . .
They are amazing, I have been to the Dragon but cannot handle the touring like that, AWESOME!!!! KUDO'S
Some of those lean angles must be getting up round 40-45 degrees..... bl

As bad a** as that video is, it don't even come close to the reality of riding that road like those guys are doing it Ruzzle. I would be pushing my personal limits to average the speed limit from one end to the other and that is only 30 mph. A lot of folk have come to grief on that stretch of road.
Thanks for posting! cool video.

I’ve owned a couple GL1800’s. Looking at one sitting still it’s hard to believe how insanely well they handle.

I affectionately called mine “The Hondapotamus”
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