easter bunny

Know why the easter bunny hides her eggs? She doesn't want anybody to know she's been screwing a rooster.
What did the new Easter egg say to the boiling water? It may take me a while to get hard, I just got laid by some chick!!

Hermann the German

This forum is a great place to evoke learning about other things than just your R3. Never thought I see a rabbit outside of a Disney film on the screen that big. Not sure knowing that German rabbits can get so big will buy you a cup of coffee but you might win a bet with some drunk friends wagering that you seen a 3' rabbit and can prove it! Thanks Britman.
I really don't know how this fits into the "BearClaw corner". The FinalDrive is the usual forum for off R3 subject matter. Not that I'm providing janitorial services these days.

That surely is a load of meat and worth considering as an alternative to skinning chickens. As a matter of fact, I've been recently considering raising New Zealand Whites for profit and trade:rolleyes: On the otherhand, Californians are just as meaty and have nicer pelts.:D But are much slower in development.
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