Can someone help me for expansion vessel

On a serious not...anyone found a neat way of utilizing the space left from removing the air box etc once fitting Ram air to relocate the expansion tank. Does me need to be positioned at a certain height or anything?
Any pics...can’t any specially walking through the how to do this.
that would be a good way of keeping your balls warm on a cold day, might be a little rough on a hot day and even worse if the tank breaks and you are wearing the attire that is in your avatar.:roll::roll:
i don't think that it would make a diff on where the tank was as long as the overflow hose was in good shape and went down and out in a good spot.
joking aside the hose i would be afraid of is the one coming from the radiator. :(
le motif du déplacement du vase d expansion :est que j ai monte un manomètre de température d eau donc enlevé la durite et coupé pour mettre une sonde et je n ai pas pris de photo lors du démontage du vase d expansion voila la raison a ma demande


Où avons-nous besoin de la photo?
these machines have a habit like after u ride hard (for example i rode up a mountain with a buddy on back and when i shut it off it kicked out a bunch of antifreeze)
so i would consider running it lower than the minimum level. i would say to just have a little in the tank when it is cold.
mine has kicked out the antifreeze twice so i just left it that way and it has not been a prob.
On a serious not...anyone found a neat way of utilizing the space left from removing the air box etc once fitting Ram air to relocate the expansion tank. Does me need to be positioned at a certain height or anything?
Any pics...can’t any specially walking through the how to do this.
Loads have relocated "an" expansion tank into that space. And @Mittzy has a smashing alternative.
Seulment por toi? C'est un peu egoiste n'est pas? ;)

c'est une formule de politesse tres courante
que l'on utilise dans les conversations en reponse a un compliment ...
cher monsieur ! ne vous deplaise