back fire issues

It's good to be cautious. Everybody means well sharing tunes, but there are risks, and notice too that some tunes are not just year specific but VIN# specific within the same year! The "Warning" that pops up in TuneECU before you download gets your attention! ToxIc2300 had a good idea but don't over torque those manifold nuts. If there's a leak there it may be better to get new gaskets? Also check all your vacuum lines under your tank for one that came off or for dry rot cracking. Any leak there could create the same problem.

After i put the carpenter sidewinders on mine. I did not use thread lock on the nuts.
Thats how i found what was causing my back firing. Little exhaust soot around the manifold and a nut was missing.
Removed all the nuts, added thread lock and retourqed. Not a problem since
backfire is a term used mostly when the backfire comes out through the air cleaner.
and if that is the case should be checked out right away.
decel popping (after fire)comes from a mixture of gas exploding in the mufflers.
my 2007 with tors loves to bang when decell around 1500 rpm especially when it has been run hard.
i think it is because the muffs are bigger which allows air back in the mufflers and explodes the gas mixture.
my opinion is why flood the engine with enough gas to stop the banging when u can pull the clutch in and it goes away if u don't want to hear it. u could put the orginal mufflers back on and u would not have the banging:(
like some others said probably a good idea to get a good tuner to set it up.:)