Reband Retune - WOW - Procycle is QLD #1


The Hooligan - Just Doing Stuff
Aug 29, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
2020 TFC #385, 2014 R3 Roadster 230hp (BRUTUS)
After my initial tune - I wasnt completely satisfied with the outcome.... But NOW - WHOOHOO!!! Giddyup...

The fist time Fred looked at the R3 he was pressed for time and there was a minor mechanical hiccup (My Cruise control cable was holding the idle up:mad:) So not at all Freds fault.:)

When Fred tuned the R3 he got 159.41HP, 163.94 Ft/lb Torque, I was Very happy with those numbers but it ran rough.

Last week I droped the R3 off to him and left it with him for four days or so, so he can give the R3 the time to get it RIGHT. AND HE DID:D:D:D:D:D

NOW the R3 is producing 162.35 HP and 172.26 Ft/lb torque, thats 2.5 HP and 9.3ft/lb more, how cool is that.....

Attached is print out.
FRED IS DA MAN... And a good bloke too.:cool: Ph Fred at Procycle-07 3808 4003

View attachment Rocket Dyno #2.pdf
good torque gain

I had similar results when i had my r3 dyno tune with the old staintune pipes about 3 hp & 9 torques, you have more hp at 3k rpm than my r3 but after 3.5krpm it more more more:)

That is some really decent Numbers there Tony .... just took a picture of you--->:D
now just try and look after the licence:rolleyes: