Triumph lost my business !

It's disappointing to hear about these problems. I guess I've been lucky so far, the only problem I've had so far is not being able to get a replacement dual touring seat for my Classic from Triumph which I was told is no longer produced. The bike had non-standard seats and the previous owner had sold the original. I didn't like the new version with the hole for a rider backrest which I don't need. I managed to get a mint condition used seat off Ebay. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.

Something positive to bear in mind;
There is virtually no Triumph presence in Indonesia and I contacted Triumph to enquire about setting up a dealership here. Their answer was that they had no plans to to enter this market at present as they are concentrating their efforts to build on and improve their current network. Things can only get better. So don't give up yet guys.
As for me, I'll be riding Triumphs (and certainly Rockets) until I'm no longer able to.