Asking for help. No power from starter button.

Here I was guessing the typical lifter shaft breakage from improprr adjustment. I only talked about the little green light because he had not mentioned it either way.

Hi. Thank you so much for the replies. Sorry I left out some info, he’s back away working so I’ll take a guess that it’s a 2013 Roadster. It’s definitely younger than my 2010. It wouldn’t have 20,000 km on it. I can’t remember what actually broke in the clutch department but it was incorrectly assembled from new and the housing had to be replaced as well as the lifter shaft and piece. I’m hoping to arm myself with as much info as I can from here and head out to his place when he gets back because it’s a pain to get it to the nearest dealer.

He checked the kill switch connections, the battery terminals, fuses and that the clutch switch wasn’t jammed. I’ll pull mine out today and see if I can check if the circuit can be checked if it’s opening and closing with the multi meter.

The battery needs to be changed. He doesn’t put it on a trickle charger and has had to charge it before it would start the last couple of times. It also doesn’t get ridden regularly. My mechanical skills are extremely basic but I thought even if it had a dead cell the voltage would drop on the meter once the starter was pushed. The voltage was 12.6 with the key off and 12.3 with it on and the clocks sweeping, head lights on. The battery will be replace before trying again.

I never thought of the starter relay. I’ll try and find its location and see if it’s clicking or not.

I’m a coulple of hundred kilometres away and we only talked by phone so no idea if the neutral light was on but again thank you I’ll check.

Lol. Good point on pulling the clutch in. We all have brain farts..

Great suggestion about rocking the bike in gear and seeing if the gauges sweep again. I discounted that because he said he had tried to start it with both the clutch in and side stand up.

Too many unknowns to comment. I think you'll need to check it out. Could be the infamous battery wont start issue. It sounds like he doesn't stay on top of things.
Mine does the same thing.
Don't hold the clutch lever in all the way, then it starts. I'm used to it now so unless the switch fails entirely, don't plan on replacing it.