all most a year since crash and burn

Cliff, I will be at Sturgis for the first two days (Sunday night through Wedsnesday Morning) with three of my sons. If you get there by then, I'll share a brew or two with ya.
Mate, wanted to hit the 'like' button on your post but couldn't bring myself to saying i like hearing about your accident. The rest of the post i more than like, fantastic to hear that you are well and will soon be back in the saddle.:thumbsup:

I did hit the like post but only for his recovery, not the accident. Glad to see that you are getting back up on 2 wheels. Cliff, good luck on your new purchase. I do have the cable and about 8 tunes in the laptop that came with the bike when I bought it a few months ago but I have never used it myself.
I did hit the like post but only for his recovery, not the accident. Glad to see that you are getting back up on 2 wheels. Cliff, good luck on your new purchase. I do have the cable and about 8 tunes in the laptop that came with the bike when I bought it a few months ago but I have never used it myself.
Does your bike have an aftermarket tune, maybe i could stop by on my way through and retune mine?