What do you wear when it's hot riding your rocket ?

Are you posting from a phone? Whatever you're posting from has location services turned off, so it can't "see" where you're posting from to put the flag.
Are you posting from a phone? Whatever you're posting from has location services turned off, so it can't "see" where you're posting from to put the flag.

Good answer!
I never thought about that.
I've been looking for a good long sleeve Kevlar t-shirt. Until I find one, I won't ride without the jacket (along with all other gear). I've recently tried the Kevlar jeans and really like them. Not as warm as my padded textiles (nor waterproof), but just as cool as plain jeans with a lot more protection.
Same, safety first. Dress for the slide not the ride.
Are you posting from a phone? Whatever you're posting from has location services turned off, so it can't "see" where you're posting from to put the flag.
Nah, not "Location services". It would be based on IP address, which cannot be hidden unless you use the TOR network. I found the setting "View the flag for the country you are in:" was off in account/privacy settings.
You should be able to see my Brazilian/Swedish flag waving proudly now, even though I am in Australia, most of the time ;)
@sleeves not sure why you'd get arrested, but it sure leaves a lot of skin exposed to road rash! Also didn't see anywhere for a holster ;)

@Lostride a VPN would've been my next guess, but that would've still shown the location of the virtual I guess. Glad you found the solution :thumbsup: