Fuel Level Indicator Not Working - Clutch Switch/Solved!


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
I've had the tank up and down a lot lately fighting various gremlins. At one point the fuel level indicator stopped working. The low gas warning light still comes on, but the digital display and miles remaining is no longer functioning.

I've notice that if I lift the tank it will reset (not sure to an accurate level) and then start counting down, but putting fuel in does not produce any change. Eventually, it just zeros out.

Now at one point the bike wouldn't crank and it turned out to be the clutch lever switch. Somewhere I found a post here that claims that switch and the fuel level are married somehow in the ECU. Here's the link...

I just changed the fuel filter hoping that fiddling around the float and all would magically cause it to start working again, but no go.

I'm up for suggestions. My best guess is that the wires could have gotten pinched near where the tank hinges. Next time I have the tank up I was planning on checking continuity from the wires where they plug into the tank to down the line. If there's another plug further down I could hit, let me know. Barring that I guess I will go from the plug to as far down the wires as I can go and tap into them with a PosiTap to check continuity.

If someone has other suggestions, please share. I know lots of people just give up and use the trip meter- I do know that is an option. I'd really prefer to fix this, IF possible.
Not sure if it has a fuse for it
Maybe the plugs ain't connected good
I'll check both, although the plug to the tank should be good. I added some dialectic grease last time and clicked it in good. There's not much talk on here about how to fix this. I've searched.
Am doing the same. Fuel level indicator has not worked right for over two years. If you do a check on Tune on the computer and balance everything it works for a bit but then goes south. Some say after you alter the base tune this can be a problem. There has to be a fix.
Am doing the same. Fuel level indicator has not worked right for over two years. If you do a check on Tune on the computer and balance everything it works for a bit but then goes south. Some say after you alter the base tune this can be a problem. There has to be a fix.

This seems to be a neglected topic of little interest, for some reason, even though it probably affects a lot of folks.

Now, oil brand/weight............................................

Sorry, bad day.
This seems to be a neglected topic of little interest, for some reason, even though it probably affects a lot of folks.

Now, oil brand/weight............................................

Sorry, bad day.
I stopped trusting fuel gauges with my first bike. One time looked down and was like, "Wow, I'm getting really good gas mileage on this tank"... One mile later I was coasting then being rescued by my wife who had a big laugh. I'm anal about wanting things to work correctly... but use the trip meter as my gas gauge.

RANDOM THOUGHT: It would be nice if they developed a gauge based on weight/pressure vice a float AND allowed you to recalibrate it.
Couldn’t resist:rolleyes: im researching bud. is it running right besides this small issue that youre gonna figure out.

So far, so good, but too early to declare victory just yet. I figured I'd start on this gas gauge problem while waiting to see on that one.

I'd like a working gas gauge before Alaska (Canada willing) or at least a trip to the Northwest coast this summer.