One of the things that I enjoy about this forum is that threads sometimes jog another good memory and it did, the subject of God washing our bikes. Ships too. I might have mentioned the below previously.

Sonny will appreciate the memory of being at sea on a warship on a beautiful day in the Mediterranean, or Pacific Ocean, and returning to port after a long period at sea. First thing in port is for the Boatswain's Mates, the Signalmen and a couple of other ratings is to give the ship a fresh water washdown to get the salt off of everything.

Thus we all hoped for a Heavenly wash down on the way in. Upon sighting a rain squall off in the distance the Officer of the Deck would request permission from the captain to alter course to conduct a fresh water washdown. Since I was the ship's Navigator I'd have to be called to the bridge before the ship would alter course to chase the squall. The Boatswain's Mate of the Watch would pass the word over the 1MC (ships internal comms) to "secure all hatches and water tight doors in preparation for a fresh water washdown". We'd pass through the squall with the ship pulling into port with the crew being able to go on liberty immediately instead of having to wash down the ship.

Sorry guys, it's just a great set of memories I thought I'd share. It is said that reminiscing is "a disease of the old" and that's probably true. Memories.
Statistically, at least in the U.S., retirement is a killer. I bet (betting with my life in fact) the Rocket is a good antidote.

Retiring to doing nothing but fish sure would be. :thumbsdown:
I looked at retiring simply as doing something different.
My consulting business keeps me learning. It works out all the cells of my meager brain while it allows me to ride motor mostly when I wish.
It also keeps my motor time SPECIAL and INVIGORATING! :D