Greetings to All from Hungary!

I am myself Ruthenian, born in Humenne (East Slovakia). It is wonderful part of the world, remote (to European standards). Just shoot me an message once you decide to visit here, will guide to all good places. The whole region is borderless exc. Ukraine, all you need is time and little money.

Karpatian mountain massive starts in western Slovakia and goes through Slovakia (75% of SK is mountains), South-east of Poland, Western Ukraine, Romania, and down to Balkan. Ruthenians are one of Karpatian hillbillies. Sheeps, moonshine, lard with bacon, throwing knives and axes, you name it. Very stubborn people and one of the oldest slavic ethnics. Never had own state/kingdom, not even reasonable ambition for it, difficult to unite on anything :D. Very specific sentiment for art. Andy Warhol was R. and in his early drawings it was VERY visible. Majority of Ruthenian ethnic is now gone, culturally assimilated with major nations in countries where they live. I am 45 and I am fluent in ruthenian, but 98% of ruthenians in my age do not identify themselves as ruthenians since thir childhood, no interest.

This documentary was shot about 35miles from the town I was born:

This part of Europe - Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania - it is really beautiful. hundreds of interesting places on relatively small territory, very diverse also. And great place to ride the bike.

Gabor - sorry for kidnapping your introduction thread :)

Thank you so much for this and I am passing it on to my family. Fascinating. I'm glad to know that we are an interesting bunch who like to play with knives and throwing axes. It's funny because it's one of the things I do so it must be in the blood. We only learned of Warhol's lineage when he passed on. Actor Tom Selleck is also Ruthenian. I've read that most of the Rs migrated to the US during the 1890-1912 time frame and settled in northern New Jersey and Pennsylvania. There is a Carpatho-Rusyn Society in the US and my sister sent me a video of a member singing a folk song that my mother used to sing to us when we were children.

I'll send you an PM and let's keep in touch. My target is sometime next summer. Thanks so much. This is GREAT!

And again, apologies to Gabor for the highjack.
Thanks for the add! As one of the very few (max 5) R3T owners i d like to say hello from lovely Budapest.
I bought her last autumn. I could not stretch my leg on my previous touring bikes which was a must after a knee injury and I did not want to make a compromise on dynamics.
After a few mainly aesthetic modifications i am very happy with this new marriage.
Thanks for your help and advices in advance!

Welcome from crystal River Florida
Thanks for the add! As one of the very few (max 5) R3T owners i d like to say hello from lovely Budapest.
I bought her last autumn. I could not stretch my leg on my previous touring bikes which was a must after a knee injury and I did not want to make a compromise on dynamics.
After a few mainly aesthetic modifications i am very happy with this new marriage.
Thanks for your help and advices in advance!
Welcome to the family from NW Louisiana USA! :)
Thanks for the add! As one of the very few (max 5) R3T owners i d like to say hello from lovely Budapest.
I bought her last autumn. I could not stretch my leg on my previous touring bikes which was a must after a knee injury and I did not want to make a compromise on dynamics.
After a few mainly aesthetic modifications i am very happy with this new marriage.
Thanks for your help and advices in advance!
Welcome Gabor from sunny England. Happy riding.