Hello from not so sunny SoCal

Salutations from the 'high desert' of SoCal. We R3 left coasters should endeavour to all meet sometime this Spring/Summer. Perhaps a proper British showing at Skip Fordyce HD's annual Memorial Day ride in Riverside.
Defiantly set the RIII left coast run.

Rob, if you ever need work outside of LA, I am always booking for IT (IA, SA, Sys Admin, Network, DBA, CND, Scrum) for DoD work at China Lake/Ridgecrest, and Pt. Mugu/Oxnard.
I like the left coast ride idea as well, put me on the list. And @RichRIII as soon as I bought my ranch in Malibu I will hit you up for work in Pt. Mugu/Oxnard lol (Or perhaps I wouldn't need to work at that time). But on serious note if you need help in IT my area is net admin and some SQL DBA.
Salutations from the 'high desert' of SoCal. We R3 left coasters should endeavour to all meet sometime this Spring/Summer. Perhaps a proper British showing at Skip Fordyce HD's annual Memorial Day ride in Riverside.
Add me to that list too
Welcome from SW Micigan. As for your add on bling, good luck on"finishing". Always something to change...