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  • Hey HansO just got training from Paul at Viking on how to do this
    Inquiry regarding tune 2010 roadster ramair Paul's newest system only 1in the world so far like to let loose on throttle ?
    Cheers Peter
    I own a 2015 R3R and am awaiting my Brand New CES headers and 14"muffler, I already did the Airbox upgrade to the 3x KN Pods about 6 months ago (I had the Dave Platt Performance Slip on's and a Remap/Tune was done then.) Once I upgrade to the CES system will I need to do a full Remap, and if so can you help? my email address is seansfb@gmail.com and I am in Perth Australia
    HansO, You are clearly one of the few that truly understand how to tune a rocket.
    Please help me understand the best tune for my 2014 r3 touring.
    I have installed the Ramair and TOR's. No cat on the bike. It runs great but i know you can open it up to new performance.
    I have TuneECU and i have connected it to the bike using the Android version.

    Thank you in advance.
    Hi Hans! My set up for the time being is: Bone Stock 2014 r3t except for tripp tune. As i stated in my post I am installing a RamAir and Paul Bryant Crossover this weekend. BTW .. We met briefly via messenger when at Maggie Valley .. great group of people, sorry u missed it. My name is Gary Chambers, email Clearviewpi@aol.com Thanks so much!!
    Hi Hanso. First. A big sincere thank you for sharing your tune expertise with your fellow Rocket owners. I have just fitted a genuine factory cat delete plus TORS mufflers and Ramair system (secondaries removed) to my 2008 Rocket. I wondered if you would be so kind as to suggest and/or supply a tune to suit ?
    Thanks in advance for your time.
    My email address is kysty900@yahoo.com.au
    HansO, glad to see on the forum that you're recovering well from your accident. I'm putting TORS and an under seat K&N on this weekend and was hoping you could send me a tune. I'm interested in more power, of course, but don't want to wreck my mileage. I'd be interested in your thoughts on what tune you'd suggest. My email is quinlivj@gmail.com. Thanks in advance, John
    hey, HansO , just put TORS on my 2012 R3R, everything else is stock. is it possible to get one of your amazing tunes, please. my email is richardmuchai10@yahoo.com thanks in advance.
    Hi Hanso i contacted you just before you unfortunate accident , i have a 2012 Triumph Rocket Roadster with TORS and ram air. My problem is that after small trips througgh surfers paradsise and stopping at traffic lights my plugs are getting fowled up. Your help would be appreciated. Tony. My email address is tc@tonystermites.com.au
    Howdy. I just got a 2016 Roadster. I'm running D&D slip ons with the stock O2 sensor and a K&N in the stock air box. Does TuneEcu still work with these bikes and if so, which tune should I be running?
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