Recent content by Emerson Dambiggins

  1. Fyi

    Headlight Out Help me out here. What's the deal with the bike not starting if one of the headlights is out? If true, it seems to me that Triumph has once again raised the bar for creative corporate stupidity.
  2. Quick Question

    I really appreciate all you folks taking the time to let me know your opinions. It really helps!!! I, too, think clutch in ready to roll is the way to go but I really did want to know what you all think.
  3. Quick Question

    Thanks, Pig9r. I appreciate you and HeR3tic taking the time to answer! The user name is really nothing more than simple powers of observation. (and maybe a few poorly timed comments overheard by my wife!)
  4. Quick Question

    Thanks, I kind of lean that way too since I've had my share of comatose cagers trying to run over me while they are (pick one) texting, eating, talking, or suffering from a severe case of cranial/rectal inversion.
  5. Quick Question

    Hi, All! I'm new here and got a left over 06 Blue Tribal SE for what I thought was a pretty good deal. I wasn't really ready to buy but the test ride and the deal was too good to pass up. I've been out of riding for a while and decided it was time to get out of the cage and back in the saddle...