
Triumph Rocket 3R handlebar vibration.

My new bike have a problem in front fork.
Hi, thanks for your comment.
When I bought it I found it strange that it moved so much, but it shows too much. When I lean into curves at low speed everything moves with a lot of bounce.
I know it is not the engine torque because if I go in neutral it happens the same.
Certainly the bike has big inertial movement and some gears transmit a few vibrations, but this is each time I'm passing a pothole or asphalt height.
Thanks again.
Wish I could help, with almost 11k miles, the bikes "road handling" is nothing less than very good in all modes. IF vibrations are always an issue and you can duplicate it "at will", I'd visit your dealer for diagnosis...
Wish I could help, with almost 11k miles, the bikes "road handling" is nothing less than very good in all modes. IF vibrations are always an issue and you can duplicate it "at will", I'd visit your dealer for diagnosis...
Thank you very much.
The dealer boss and mechanic said they tested the bike. The boss said he didn't notice anything and the mechanic said the same.
They tightened the steering a little and it seemed to be better, but as soon as I got back to the corners the vibrations started again.
Thank you very much.
The dealer boss and mechanic said they tested the bike. The boss said he didn't notice anything and the mechanic said the same.
They tightened the steering a little and it seemed to be better, but as soon as I got back to the corners the vibrations started again.
Did the dealer/mechanic ride it hard into corners?
Did the dealer/mechanic ride it hard into corners?
The boss said he droves in Highway and a twisty road.
This dealer from the beginning has been a bad election.
Firtst day in July when go home with the brand new bike, the engine stoped at home's garage and then didn't want to started.
It was a bad connected cable.
They don't send me a transport. I called my insurance company to move the bike 70 Km up the dealer.
Next time in october they installed me an alarm. I was waiting 3 months. When the work was done, it didn't function. The problem was they used adhesive to fix the parts and the two sensors was removed from his place.
The last problem was with this reclamation about vibrations.
Now I'm looking a second dealer or a proffessional. I do not trust them.
Each time I have to ride 70 km gone and 70 return.
I'ts the cause I'm bored.
The next closest dealer is 150 km from here.
But first I want to hear the opinion of mi trusted whorkshop.
I will tell you... 😥😥

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