R-III-R Turbo

Fall detection switch

Fall detection switch
ive heard off this issue if they get moisture in or near them (steam cleaning) dosnt help the reading you get from the dealer plug in test comes up as different problems / side stand sender /throttle body censor ect they fix it not the real problem but what the tec guy recons then the issue comes back to haunt you and YOU end up broken down on the side off the FCKIN road down the south island afta wllingtn mtr cycles have charged you a small ransom the day before and 2 days before that another shop (tga ) triumph have done the same flipn thing !!!!!
Just sayn
@pete NZ I've been having problem's with engine idling (normally you'd suspect throttle body sensors etc) so I replaced the fall detection switch (among others) when trying to find the source of my problem.
This was why I had a spare switch to take apart for photos :)
not something silly like over airin Ram air systems need regular lookin at they seem to move about not a bother but every so often you have to line them up agaian and tighten them mine dose that or service problem regardind shiming ?
whay about the 12 miute tune easy one if your running standard scooter some were on here ask hanso

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