Needed #1 Plug Wire

I don't think there is anything that the upgrade kit addresses that is something that would leave you stranded. Every comman issue has symptoms that are noticeable early on. In my case, my issue wasn't related to anything addressed in the upgrade kit. It was discovered while doing the upgrade kit that the TDU was bad. My output shaft bearing was installed backward and it was still OK. I was told by my local dealer that the cut-off build date for the upgrade is 11/07. Also they are finding that what they originally thought was the cam gear rattle, was actually the oil pump drive rattling on warm up and they claim it does no harm.

I think they do have a policy, if your bike has any of the symptoms and a Triumph mechanic can verify it, then you get the upgrade regardless of the mileage or warranty period. Reading some of the things that dealers have said and done I would venture to guess that maybe 25% of the dealers in the US are competent enough to do the upgrade kit. Let alone to make it worth their time for the amount of labor Triumph pays for it.

Triumph could have done what most manufacturers would have done, silently upgrade the next model year and not acknowledge any prior problems. Who knows, if there are enough that need the upgrade kit, maybe they will make it a TSB for all of them.
I don't like using the phrase "Upgrade Kit" because it implies that Triumph is going to upgrade everyone's bike. I don't think they will. It certainly won't be under a recall which is different than a TSB. You might be more accurate by calling it "Customer Good Will".

I doubt very seriously if you will get this done to your bike just by bugging your dealer about it. A hard failure seems to be needed, like the output shaft bearing going bad, a transmission failure (usually seems to have something to do with second gear) or possibly verifiable cam chain issues. And that's the acid test, it needs to be verified by a Triumph mechanic who then calls and gets approval. If you have a trailer hitch on your bike you are automatically rejected. If you have never spent a dime at a Triumph dealer... don't expect to go to the top of the list.

I believe that Triumph wants to stand behind the Rocket but at the same time is going to limit their exposure to warranty claims by this screening process. Just being worried that your bike may break down at some time in the future isn't going to qualify you. This is a very large undertaking and I'm sure it is expensive. And I know that the dealer mechanics take it in the shorts doing this. There are a lot of other things that they could be doing that would make them a lot more money than a huge ass warranty job.

Really... you should feel pretty good that Triumph has your back if you should experience a problem.