Yet another headlight mystery...


.020 Over
Jul 14, 2021
Ottawa, KS
2009 Triumph Rocket III Classic
So this seems to be a common problem with these bikes. I've had my 2009 Classic for one week and the lights have never worked. I assumed it would be something simple so I didn't worry about it, but after ruling out the fuse, starter relay and bulbs I'm left with only the switch and the wiring harnesses under the tank. I will check those tomorrow. and put a volt meter on the bulb plug as well as check for continuity between the switch/bulb and the switch/fuse. Any words of advice? The running lights work but nothing to the bulbs. The highbeam indicator does not work either. I changed out the starter relay and fuse with new ones, nothing. Is there some common issue that pops up repeatedly that I don't know about?

Thanks, guys.
Are u using a 5 prong relay
If your wiring is orginal a 4 prong relay will eliminate headlights. That would b a good place to check from there it goes to the hi low switch also a good place to check for power.
Turbo, you must be some kinda genius. That's twice you've pulled my bacon from the fire. Advance auto parts had the 5 prong relay for $20 and it worked like a dream. Brother, if you ever find yourself in Kansas, USA all the rounds are on me.
Turbo, you must be some kinda genius. That's twice you've pulled my bacon from the fire. Advance auto parts had the 5 prong relay for $20 and it worked like a dream. Brother, if you ever find yourself in Kansas, USA all the rounds are on me.

Thanks for replying it feels good to help a lot of guys put in a lot of time to help others not just us mechanics but many others that r experts in there feilds.
I have learned so much from this site and very glad to b a part of it.
My computer has spell check
My phone does not
Some times i use google
Some times i do not
I had a stroke a long time ago (drinking to much coffee) and after that i could spell 3 and 4 letter words perfectly backwards also would reverse phone numbers. Some of them would talk to me and some of them would just hang up on me. Lol