To the British captains

English captains,

So theres two Irish guys hunting Moose in Canada, Finally at the end of the hunt they have managed to bag 6 Moose. They get to the small airfield to load up and go home. The Pilot of the Cessna says " sorry Lads cant take all of those Moose. Too heavy the plane wont be able to carry six moose"
Murphy Exclaims " thats a load of bollocks . The Pilot last year let us take 8 moose and his plane was the same size as yours". After intense arguing the pilot relented and allowed them to load up six moose and all their equipment etc.
As the plane is barreling down the bumpy runway trying to lift off the pilot screems out" we're not going to make it the end of the strip is here.
Well no suprise the plane crashes, moose body parts everywhere, The pilot didnt make it, but miraculously Murphy and Paddy survived.
Paddy.." where the hell are we"
Murphy.." I think we are near the place we crashed last year".
Fun fact about the plate. You all know how people love to approach the rocket and you and really want to talk and ask questions. Especially when you got the helmet on. Pain in the ass sometimes.

They still do it now, but they approach me now speaking English because of the sticker. Hilarious when I reply in native Swedish :D