Got a leak, need some info


Aug 7, 2010
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2020 Rocket 3 GT
Recently I removed the CAT and installed some D&D 3:2 pipes. Then I had the bike serviced after for oil change, some new tires, and an overall inspection.

Went for a ride today, roughly 21C outside, while out riding, I noticed my machine was sputtering a little, so I thought, perhaps I will reset the CPU by letting it idle and it will adjust itself, after cycling on/off.

So upon shutting the machine off, I noticed a large puddle of fluid (I'm fairly certain it's coolant, smell and feel is appropriate) coming from where the CAT used to be (or just in front of it). Upon further inspection it was coming from a hose almost directly under the seat.

Do I have a problem or is it possible that the radiator warmed up and caused an overflow, and that is what I am seeing?

I will try again tomorrow to see if more fluid comes out, but for you guys in the UK and AUS, perhaps you could post overnight for me to read in the morning.

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Normal for mine after servicing the cooling system. Seams like it doesn't like the system to be full as Triumph says it should be. It finds it's own level after a few times it pisses on the ground.
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Normal for mine after servicing the cooling system. Seams like it doesn't like the system to be full as Triumph says it should be. I finds it's own level after a few times it pisses on the ground.
I knew it was worth searching first before panicking. I've had this exact problem after a service and very long ride. I was ****ting myself that something had gone wrong. Glad I joined this site.
I knew it was worth searching first before panicking. I've had this exact problem after a service and very long ride. I was ****ting myself that something had gone wrong. Glad I joined this site.
Good to have you
Your bike’s just marking its territory. Overflow discharge tube hangs down below the seat along with the gas tank breather tube. The bracket holding them is right in front of the cross-over pipe. Should be fine. My bike had a small leak from the radiator hose in front of the oil tank...that was a different story. Just an old hose and I caught it in time before anything drastic.

Enjoy the ride.
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